Httpv://I did a bit of research into the video and whilst the facts it bore are by no means conclusive they do make a lot of sense. Now the big, beefy, bovine chunk of video is ready to sing. Practice saying the following “Doctor I need some tablets to help me sleep”.Put your fingernails between your teeth.

The video was not filmed in Thailand but in India and before you watch it here’s a bit of advice. Some of you may have seen this short 70 second clip before but for those of you who haven’t then this is worth viewing. I proudly present proof of the role playing between snakes and children in Asian culture in my very first YouTube video on Beyond The Mango Juice. However I would like to offer a little more evidence that the kind of practice highlighted in the photo is very evident in Asian culture today. Today I am still in two minds myself about the photograph’s authenticity. Further comments argued for and against Mike’s suggestion but none produced a definite conclusion. Mike suggested something I hadn’t considered when writing my story, he questioned whether the image had been photoshopped or in other words overlaid or edited. The very first comment to arrive on the post came from Mike Rose author of Thailand Blogs. To a Thailand newbie brought up on Julie Andrews movies, Garabaldi biscuits and soft toilet tissue, it would be mentally disturbing. I reasoned that the scene in the photograph was not shocking to seasoned Thai travellers and ex pats, very few if anyone at all would have witnessed such a sight, but if seen it would only alarm and not disarm their mindset. The image was relevant to my story in that it showed in its extremity the vast differences in Western and Thai culture. The post created a fair amount of debate via the comment box. One of my more recent posts Baby and Python – Food For Thought included the photograph shown above. First, here’s something much more to my liking, a photograph. With great regret the huge, fleshy, overfed, plump and portly pile of pixels is shown deeper into this post. It’s just that I find them so ugly looking. Now after over 200 posts I find myself going back on my promised word. I have always made it a policy on Beyond the Mango Juice to never include a YouTube video on this site.